Five Things for Privacy Professionals to Put on Their 2024 To-Do List

Author: Gary Carrera MBA, CISA, CISM, CDPSE, HITRUST CCSFP ISO27001内审员, Manager, 治理, Meta的风险和合规
发表日期: 2023年12月14日

编者按: ISACA Now博客展望了2024年,列出了ISACA专家为从事IT审计的专业人士提供的待办事项清单, 风险管理, 信息安全, 隐私和IT治理. Today, Gary Carrera shares his 2024 to-do list for privacy professionals. 请参阅ISACA提供的更多隐私资源 here.

2024年将成为隐私领域发生变革的时期. 作为敏感数据的守护者,隐私专业人士需要驾驭这一动态环境. 以下是隐私专业人士2024年应该优先考虑的五项关键任务:

1. 澳门赌场官方下载不断发展的隐私法规

不断变化的隐私法规要求保持警惕和适应能力. 沉浸在欧盟数字市场法案(DMA)等新兴法规的错综复杂中,保持领先地位。, 数字服务法案(DSA), 或即将更新的现有框架,如GDPR和其他隐私法规,如CCPA和LGPD. 密切关注全球隐私立法的脉搏,确保合规性和战略一致性.

在隐私领域有一种趋势,即许多国家在其管辖范围内采取更严格的方法来规范个人信息的使用. While some of the new regulations are like GDPR in nature, others seek to resolve regional or country-specific problems. Here are some of the regulations under development:


  • China: 中国一直在通过《澳门赌场官方软件》(PIPL)和《澳门赌场官方下载》(DSL)等法律加强数据保护框架。, which are expected to strengthen data privacy regulations.
  • India: 个人数据保护法案(PDPB)旨在规范印度的个人数据处理, 与GDPR相提并论. Its passage could significantly impact data handling practices.


  • Brazil: 巴西的《澳门赌场官方下载》(LGPD)已经生效,但在执行机制和范围方面可能会有进一步的发展或完善.
  • 其他国家: 像阿根廷(有《澳门赌场官方下载》)和智利(有《澳门赌场官方软件》)这样的国家继续完善他们的隐私框架.


  • 南非: The Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) has been in effect, and its implementation phase might see developments in enforcement and compliance.
  • 其他国家: Various countries in this region are exploring or enacting data protection laws, aiming to strengthen privacy rights and data handling practices.


  • GDPR更新: The GDPR, 虽然已经可以强制执行, might witness amendments or updates to address evolving technology, 数据共享和执行挑战.
  • 新规定: 除了GDPR, 欧盟正在引入数字服务法案(DSA)和数字市场法案(DMA)。, aiming to regulate digital services and markets, potentially impacting data privacy and consumer rights.


  • Canada: 加拿大正在考虑通过拟议的《澳门赌场官方软件》更新其隐私法, 哪个国家可以引入类似gdp的标准.
  • 美国: While there isn’t a federal-level comprehensive privacy law, individual states (e.g., California, Virginia) have enacted or are considering privacy laws (e.g.(加州CPRA).

Figure 1

2. 重新定义数据保护策略

Building on the evolving regulatory landscape, the next critical task involves redefining data protection strategies:

  • Elevate data governance by reassessing policies, 加强加密措施,采用差分隐私或同态加密等先进技术保护敏感信息.
  • 与IT团队合作 加强安全框架 and ensure alignment with evolving threats.
  • The increase in regulatory requirements requires adaptability and scalability of privacy programs and frameworks.

这么说很公平, at times, there may be similarities in the requirements from different privacy regulations. However, 在某些情况下, 当然也可能存在冲突,维护允许可伸缩性的灵活程序对于数据保护策略的成功至关重要. 创建单独或独立的程序, 对公司来说,处理每一项法规的控制或框架可能既昂贵又效率极低.

3. 通过设计保护隐私

前进, 一个重要方面是通过隐私设计原则将隐私嵌入到组织文化的结构中. 以下是我们实现这一目标的方法:

  • Privacy integration in product development: 在创造新产品或服务时, let’s make sure we’re considering privacy right from the start. 这意味着我们要考虑如何最大限度地减少我们收集的数据,并确保我们收集的任何信息都受到保护. We should aim to build user-centric features that prioritize our users’ privacy.
  • 跨职能合作: Privacy is not just one team’s responsibility—it’s everyone’s. Let’s bring together people from different parts of our organization—designers, 开发人员, legal and more—to weave privacy into every step of our work. 
  • 鼓励积极主动的心态: 我们不要坐等问题出现. Instead, let’s actively seek ways to enhance privacy measures. 无论是进行定期的隐私影响评估,还是保持最新的隐私最佳实践, adopting a proactive approach is key to keeping our data—and our users—safe.
  • 培训和意识: 在整个组织中提供培训和培养对隐私重要性的认识是至关重要的. 当每个人都明白为什么隐私很重要,以及他们的工作对隐私的贡献, it becomes a collective effort toward a common goal.

4. 加强透明度和问责制

爱尔兰数据保护委员会等数据保护监管机构越来越关注透明度实践, which is understandable as transparency is the cornerstone of trust. 以下是隐私专业人士在2024年可以采取的一些措施,以积极应对这一问题: 

  • Elevate transparency by refining data-handling practices, enhancing disclosure mechanisms and empowering users with clear, 简明隐私声明. 
  • Embrace accountability by conducting comprehensive privacy impact assessments, 主动解决弱点,培养持续改进的文化.

5. 支持道德数据使用和道德人工智能

Data is the heartbeat of innovation, but using it responsibly is key. Here’s how we can keep our ethical compass in check:

  • 负责数据处理: Let’s collect, use and share data responsibly. That means being mindful of what data we gather, 确保它是必要的,并小心处理它,保护隐私和机密性.
  • 澳门赌场官方下载道德人工智能: 人工智能(AI)带来了巨大的可能性,但也带来了伦理挑战. Let’s adopt ethical AI frameworks to guide us through these complexities. 这些框架有助于我们确保人工智能系统的公平性、透明度和问责制.
  • 平衡创新与道德: Innovation drives us forward, but ethics keep us grounded. Let’s foster conversations between different teams—tech, legal, ethics and beyond—to strike the right balance. It’s about innovating smartly while staying true to ethical principles.
  • 不断学习和适应: Ethical considerations in data use and AI evolve. 让我们致力于持续学习, adapting our practices and staying informed about new ethical standards. This way, we can ensure our innovation aligns with ethical values.

总之, 2024年是隐私专业人士重新调整策略的关键时刻, navigate regulatory nuances and champion ethical data practices. 通过接受这些要求, 隐私专家可以在加强隐私环境和塑造一个负责任的人方面发挥带头作用, 数据驱动的未来.

In addition to industry privacy certifications, 有很多资源可以帮助隐私专业人士为隐私领域永无止境的变化做好准备, 包括:

作者简介: Gary Carrera is a 治理, Risk and Compliance Leader at Meta. 他有15年支持大型科技公司信息安全和隐私项目的经验, 最近在Meta和苹果任职. He holds an MS in Business Administration and Project Management and CDPSE, CISM, CISA, CCSP, HITRUST CCSFP, ISO27001等认证. 本网站上的帖子是作者自己的,并不一定反映其雇主对该主题的立场或观点.
